The best of 80s:
'; $foto = ""; $temp .= "
$foto \"HAPPY CHILDREN\" by P. Lion
Master and publishing rights available for compilations, synchronisations and any other exploitations...
"; }else{ list($id_label,$n_catalogo) = spoton($tipo); $query = "SELECT * FROM fma_brani WHERE id_label ='".$id_label."' AND n_catalogo = '".$n_catalogo."'"; $tt = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($query,$GLOBALS['db'])); $anno = $tt['anno']; $titolo = strtoupper($tt['titolo']); $artista = strtolower($tt['artista']); if($tipo < 4){ $commita = $tt['commento']; }else{ $commita = $tt['commentoita']; } $temp = preg_replace("/\n|\r\n|\r$/", "", $commita); $temp = addslashes(stripslashes($temp)); $commita = $temp; $foto = ""; $spoton = "
$foto \"$titolo\" by $artista
"; /*if($tipo>=4){ $spoton .= "

Go to the complete list"; }*/ $GLOBALS['urlNR'] = "index.php?sito=".$sito."&pag=".$pagina."&n_catalogo=".trim($n_catalogo)."&id_label=".trim($id_label); $temp = 'Don\'t miss this hit:
'.$spoton; } $temp = preg_replace("/\n|\r\n|\r$/", "", $temp); $temp = addslashes(stripslashes($temp)); return $temp; } if($_GET['sito'] == 'FMA'){ $site = 1; }else if($_GET['sito'] == 'BullButcher'){ $site = 2; }else if($_GET['sito'] == 'NoColors'){ $site = 0; } if($pag==1){ //HOMEPAGE $start = 2; $dataSource='ListIndex.xml'; $html[] = '

Bull & Butcher website

'; $html[] = '

F.M.A. Edizioni Musicali e Discografiche website

'; $html[] = '

No Colors webiste

'; }else if($pag=='Home'){ /******** LICENSING *********/ $lic1 = 'F.M.A. Edizioni Musicali e Discografiche provides special services to people engaged in the record industry. All services are free of charge.'; $lic2 = 'LICENSING AREA (VIP SECTION): A&R employed can listen to a full high-quality version of the hits and read something about them. Vip members will receive a special newsletter about our tracks available for international licensing, especially when they are climbing the charts. To get you Vip password please register here.

Login into International Licensing Area
'; $lic3 = ''; if(isset($_COOKIE['loggato'])) if($_COOKIE['loggato'] == 1){ list($id_label,$n_catalogo) = spoton(1); $query = "SELECT * FROM fma_brani WHERE id_label ='".$id_label."' AND n_catalogo = '".$n_catalogo."'"; $tt = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($query,$db)); $anno = $tt['anno']; $titolo = strtoupper($tt['titolo']); $artista = strtolower($tt['artista']); $foto = ""; $spoton = "
$foto \"$titolo\" by $artista
"; $lic1 = stampaSpotOn(4); $lic2 = "Welcome ".$_COOKIE['nome'].", in this area you can find all the licensable tracks.

The best of 80s Master and publishing rights are also available for the coolest tracks from 1980 to 1990.

Info: Ms. Loredana Calasso"; $lic3 = "New Releases - Complete List"; } /****************************/ /********** RADIO ***********/ $rad1 = 'F.M.A. Edizioni Musicali e Discografiche provides special services to people engaged in the record industry. All services are free of charge.'; $rad2 = 'RADIO AREA: Italian Radio employed can download our tracks to play them on the radio. For each track downloaded you\\\'ll have to send us a report about its usage. To require the password for the Radio Area please register here.

Login into the Radio Area
'; $rad3 = ''; if(isset($_COOKIE['loggato'])) if($_COOKIE['loggato'] == 2){ list($id_label,$n_catalogo) = spoton(2); $query = "SELECT * FROM fma_brani WHERE id_label ='".$id_label."' AND n_catalogo = '".$n_catalogo."'"; $tt = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($query,$db)); $anno = $tt['anno']; $titolo = strtoupper($tt['titolo']); $artista = strtolower($tt['artista']); $commita = $tt['commentoita']; $temp = preg_replace("/\n|\r\n|\r$/", "", $commita); $temp = addslashes(stripslashes($temp)); $commita = $temp; $foto = ""; $spoton = "
$foto \"$titolo\" by $artista
"; $rad1 = 'Don\'t miss this hit:
'.$spoton; $rad1 = stampaSpotOn(5); $rad2 = "Welcome ".$_COOKIE['nome'].", here you can download our tracks to play them on the radio. If you download our tracks you have to send us a report on its usage. Don't forget to download the SIAE document!
".radioControllaReport($_COOKIE['idvc'],1); $rad3 = "New Releases - Complete List"; $rad1 = addslashes(stripslashes($rad1)); $rad2 = addslashes(stripslashes($rad2)); } /****************************/ $start = 3; $dataSource='ListHome.php?sito='.$sito; $temp = '

History of our hits

'; for($i = 1990; $i < 2002; $i++){ if(file_exists('history/'.$_GET['sito'].'/'.$i.'.inc.php')) $temp .= '
'; } $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT anno FROM fma_brani WHERE id_label = '".$site."' ORDER BY anno asc"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die ($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ if($row['anno'] > 1980) $temp .= '
'; } $temp .= "
"; // $temp .= ''; $temp .= ''; $contactsLeft = 'F.M.A. edizioni musicali e discografiche s.r.l.
via Boccaccio, 47 - 20123 Milan - Italy
tel +39 02 43 50 93 - fax +39 02 481 940 98 -

Italo Allione
General Manager:
Mario Allione
General Manager:
Davide Allione
Attilia Tosini
International dept.:
Loredana Calasso
Sound Engineer:
Carlo Frigerio
Graphic Designer:
Luca Vertemati
Alessandra Cocchi
'; $contactsRight = '

About us

F.M.A. Edizioni Musicali e Discografiche is a branch of the Abramo Allione Publishing Group, one of the oldest and most prestigious italian publishing companies built in 1912.
Established in 1970 as publishing company, F.M.A. established itself as record company in 1990.
F.M.A. owns two labels: NO COLORS and BULL & BUTCHER.

'; //SPOTON new releases $new1 = stampaSpotOn($site); /* FINE SPOTON */ if($site == '1'){ $html3[] = '


'; $html3[] = ''; $html3[] = '

Licensing section

'; $html3[] = '

Radio area

'; $html3[] = '

How to contact us

'; //compilation tolte da qui $html[] = stampaSpotOn(80); $html[] = $new1; $html[] = $lic1; $html[] = $rad1; $html[] = $contactsLeft ; $html2[] = $temp; $html2[] = 'Special releases:

Newsletter subscription

Free newsletter updates about new releases. Register here
International licensing of our tracks: register here to get the password to Licensing Area.
'; $html2[] = $lic2; $html2[] = $rad2; $html2[] = $contactsRight; $html4[] = ''; $html4[] = ''; $html4[] = $lic3; $html4[] = $rad3; $html4[] = ''; }elseif($site == '2'){ $html3[] = ''; $html3[] = ''; $html3[] = '

Licensing section

'; $html3[] = '

Radio area

'; $html3[] = '

How to contact us

'; $html[] = ' '; $html[] = $new1; $html[] = $lic1; $html[] = $rad1; $html[] = $contactsLeft; $html2[] = $temp; $html2[] = '

Newsletter subscription

Free newsletter updates about new releases. Register here
International licensing of our tracks: register here to get the password to Licensing Area.
'; $html2[] = $lic2; $html2[] = $rad2; $html2[] = $contactsRight; $html4[] = ''; $html4[] = ''; $html4[] = $lic3; $html4[] = $rad3; $html4[] = ''; }else{ $html3[] = ' '; $html3[] = ''; $html3[] = '

Licensing section

'; $html3[] = '

Radio area

'; $html3[] = '

How to contact us

'; $html[] = ' '; $html[] = $new1; $html[] = $lic1; $html[] = $rad1; $html[] = $contactsLeft; $html2[] = $temp; $html2[] = '

Newsletter subscription

Free newsletter updates about new releases. Register here
International licensing of our tracks: register here to get the password to Licensing Area.
'; $html2[] = $lic2; $html2[] = $rad2; $html2[] = $contactsRight; $html4[] = ''; $html4[] = ''; $html4[] = $lic3; $html4[] = $rad3; $html4[] = ''; } }else if($pag=='80s'){ include 'include/80s.php'; die; }else if($pag=='New-Releases' || $pag=='History' || $pag=='Licensing' || $pag=='Radio'){ include 'include/history.php'; die; }elseif($pag=='Search'){ header("Location:search.php?sito=".$sito."&search=".$_POST['search']); }elseif($pag=='OldHistory'){ header("Location:previousHistory.php?sito=".$sito."&anno=".$_GET['anno']); } if(isset($_GET['back'])){ if($_GET['back'] == 'lic') $start = 4; if($_GET['back'] == 'rad') $start = 5; if($_GET['back'] == 'hist') $start = 1; } if(isset($_GET['FirstSlide'])){ $start = $_GET['FirstSlide']; } ?> F.M.A. Edizioni Musicali e Discografiche Srl " type="text/css" media="screen"> .css" type="text/css" media="screen">
